Precedent Study
In this project, we get to identify and analysis spatial order and spatial poetics of two given precedent study which is the Chang Jiang art museum and The Building on the Water in my group. We are to produce various visual diagrams that convey information and understand the design approach of the building.

In this assignment, we are to produce a heritage architecture literature review in a form of a poster. For my team, our topic is focused on the spatial layout of traditional Chinese temples. Where we investigate and compare different Chinese temples according to their architecture style in different regions. Social, cultural and historical aspects should be considered through our research.
We get learn about diagramming through an architect that chosen by our lecturer, which is Copper house II by Bijoy Jain. It great that get to make the diagram model, we get to understand circulation and principles by making the model and diagrams.
We also get to experiment new board layout by arrange it as same as the layout of the the Copper house II.